Giving the gift of life

The Huntingdon Rotary Club (April 2nd) held a blood clinic at the Huntingdon Adult Education & Community Centre (HAECC). The goal set by Hema-Quebec was to get 95 donors; this was an ambitious goal but the clinic successfully passed it with flying colors.

People from all over the community were stopping by HAECC all afternoon and evening to donate for this great cause. Students and staff members from the centre got an opportunity to become donors as well and take part in the process.

In Quebec about only 3% of the eligible population gives blood. Over 15 students and staff members from HAECC courageously lined up to give blood in which many were first time donors. From our Centre it was a great turnout having over 10% of our student population donated blood even though the average provincial rate is only 3%.

The Centre is hoping to host another Blood Clinic again in the future as many students took a big interest in donating blood and giving for a good cause! 

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