Constructing in Landscaping

As we enter the home stretch of the last few weeks of classes for the Landscaping Operations program, the students are busy constructing.  In the workshop students can be working with concrete, wood or stone as they work towards creating the elements of a landscape.  One day it may be placing concrete for a pathway, a few days later you will find them busy cutting lengths of wood for a deck.  Then there is the stone work, from placing the walkway pavers in unique patterns to chiseling the face of stone for a retaining wall, all must be built on a solid foundation.  As they practice their new found skills, each element takes shape.  In just a few short weeks the workshop will be transformed into a landscape.

Join us on April 30, 2015 for our annual Open House and visit the Landscaping Operations workshop to view this year’s project!

Deborah Dohmen – Landscaping Teacher

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