Dominican Republic Stage Opportunity!

The Health Care Team at C.V.C.E.C. are ready for another great week. The application forms for the Dominican Republic experience are due this week. We as teachers are quite enthusiastic about the next adventure to the Dominican. The Health, Assistance and Nursing(HAN) students that went last year spoke to our new class last Friday. The students had many great things to say about their experience in the Dominican. The students were able to share some of their quotes they had written at the end of their experience in the Dominican Republic. Here are a few of them:

 “Because of this experience, I will be searching for another organization to see where I can help, in or out of Canada.”

“I really loved this whole experience and it does make you look at everything in a different way.”

“We worked amazingly together; we bonded, and became a small family. This experience makes me proud of who we are as student nurses. It has cemented my will to be in this profession.”

As you can see, all of the students had wonderful things to say about their adventure. We are so proud of them.

I am honoured to have had the chance to witness their growth during the Dominican stage. I love seeing students blossom. The Dominican adventure is a gratifying experience for both students and teachers and I can’t wait for the new class to participate!

Register for one of our health care programs today! Assistant in Health Care Facilities starts Oct.8, 2013!

Kim Tannahill, Instructor

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