Super students = super hospital employees

We received great news last week from three of our 2015 Health, Assistance and Nursing grads. They have been hired as Licensed Practical Nurses at the new “Super Hospital”. Amanda Farquhar, Lisa Hazell and Ingrid Gallitzendorfer will be starting work at the new Montreal General and Montreal Children’s Hospital wings this month.

Amanda and Lisa have been hired for the Children’s and Ingrid will be starting at the General. Amanda dropped in at the Centre a few weeks ago to tell us the good news. She was very excited and looking forward to the challenges of a “big” hospital. Lisa and Ingrid have both been hired to work in the operating room at their respective locations. Because the OR (operating room) is a further specialty, the ladies will be going through an intensive 6 month training, carried out in the hospitals, to prepare them for this demanding area.

It is so great for us to hear about the successes of our former students. It’s good to know that our grads have branched out onto the island of Montreal and will soon be a part of the future of medical care. A further congratulations to Ingrid for passing her OQLF (Office québecois de la langue française) French Exam. It can be done! Well done grads.

Janet Tolhurt (Nursing Teacher, CVCEC)

photo – from left to right: Omar Alostaz, a nurse at the Royal Victoria Hospital; Ingrid Gallitzendorfer, nurse at the Montreal General Hospital an Lisa Hazel, nurse at the Montreal Children’s Hospital.


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