Tech Corner-blended learning, camera calculator and more

This week I would like to highlight NOVA Career Centre and a wonderful technology initiative I have seen use to enhance learning in the classrooms.

Blended Learning is fairly new education jargon. The definition is clearly stated by Monique Markoff in her Ted Talks video from May 6, 2014. Have a listen.

Blended learning is beginning to happen in our centers. Andrey Kutash, a NOVA English and computer teacher, has started to use the blended classroom model and is creating digital and online material for students to use at their own pace.  This is an exciting new step on how to approach education. Checkout his first video.

Andrey is creating quick and easy videos that students can access anytime. He is developing his techniques in this style of presentation and sharing the resulting videos with his students so they get to learn the content but also get to see Andrey’s progress along his learning path. The result is a useful way to provide information and an exciting way to showcase the idea of life long learning.

Andrey used an app called Explain Everything to generate his video and has created a Youtube channel as a platform for students to access. If you are interested in how to create a Youtube channel and Explain Everything check out these two links.

I want to shout out to a NOVA student named David Perkins.  He introduced me to an app called Photomath by Microblink.  This app allows you to snap a picture of an equation to find the steps to the answer.  The developer calls it the first camera calculator. I had concerns about David’s use of such an app but he showed me how it helped him check his work and remind him if he had forgotten a step along his calculation. So thank you David.

Maybe you have a story where technology has helped increase a teaching or learning goal and would like to share it with us.  If so please contact me at:

Till next time,
Bill Legge (RECIT Consultant)

Previous Tech Corner
Using iMovie (Edition 1)


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