What I’m grateful for?

That was the question that people had to answer. We, the Socio-Vocational Integration Services (SVIS) class at H.A.E.C.C., did the “grateful project” so that people would stay positive about their day, not negative. The posters represented health, friends, family and life. Everyone except one student, that was sick, helped create the posters. We decided to put it up before Thanksgiving.

We took the posters down after two weeks because people stopped signing them. We noticed that some people wrote inappropriate things and bad language. The bathroom and the office posters got the most writings. The Office: 32 writings and the bathroom 34. We think it is because the office is the teachers, and near the bathroom, more people walk that way, plus the lockers are there. The front entrance got the least writing, we think because the whiteboard was blocking the view. We got 4 writings on that poster.

Two other classes, the Melissa Sunshine Camp and SFIS class (listen to audio clip), were involved with this. They helped out with publicity and answered our question on our posters and did artwork. Thank you for helping us out.

Next time, we will put up rules on what people should write, no inappropriate language like swearing, body parts, drugs, or we could put a surveillance camera! The front entrance poster, we will put on the front door in the office.

We would do it again because it was kinda fun to see what people wrote, it was our very first time doing it and it was funny seeing people writing stupid things on the posters and knowing that they would do it.

“Friends”, “All my family”, “Bowling”, “Having a sunny day”… are what people wrote at that moment.

Written by members of the SVIS Class

Socio-Vocational Integration Services (SVIS) is a learning service for adult students who, for one reason or another, have not completed all their schooling, and often have little employment experience. The SVIS plan is to enable students to learn skills that allow them to integrate and continue in employment. The program runs for one school year and includes a work placement.

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