When Obsession is a good thing…

Obsession, a local bakery, opened up their newly expanded location on St-Francis Boulevard in Chateauguay, just a few blocks away from the NOVA Career Centre. Interestingly enough, there’s a bit of NOVA in the bakery…

This is a great entrepreneurship story that resonates in our community.  When Anne Fradette-Brunet and her husband John Brunet lost their respective jobs, Anne and her daughter Caroline Brunet came to NOVA to register in the Starting A Business Program.  They opened Obsession soon thereafter.  It’s been two years, and on August 29th, they hosted an Open House in their brand new location.

We are so excited, tonight is a really big night for us. Obsession has become a gathering place for a lot of Chateauguay.  When Caroline and I did the Starting a Business Program, at NOVA, we came out of there with a completed business plan, and we used that and we built on it when it came time for the expansion, so a lot of the work was already done.

Caroline went to get her DEP ((diplôme d’études professionnelles) in cooking, and John followed suite with his DEP in bakery.  The business is running great, as another full-time employee has been just hired, and now they are even thinking of hiring part-time personnel..

We are still in touch with our instructor. Jacques (Arbour) has been a real encouragement to us.  We’re Chateauguay folk.  I was born here this is where we started. This is where we’ll stay.  We’re grateful to everybody.

NOVA is always proud to see their former students succeeding: this one is the icing on the cake!

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