Horticulture and Garden Centre Operations


On February 23, at minus one million degrees, we visited the Huntingdon Hospital to take care of the tropical plants in their brand new solarium. This has been an ongoing project for the Horticulture Department. We donated a bunch of tropical plants last year when the solarium was still under construction, and now that it...
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Do you know that watering a plant has a right and wrong way? In this “HOW TO” segment, Denise Chavez from our horticulture department, will walk you through the best way to water your plants in order for them to live up to their full potential.  Previous – How to videos: – Adjust cabinet doors (carpentry department)...
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There is a great little cafe in Huntingdon called “Racines” (Roots in French). It is run by a co-op and serves great meals made with local ingredients. The staff is part of a “reinsertion social” program and in the Horticulture program we thought we would lend them a hand…plus their espresso coffee is out of this...
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The Horticulture class visited the Little Green Library in Huntingdon last week. For some of our students it was the first time they visited a library in their lives. This visit was within the course “Information Search” and shows we can get information from more than just the internet. The students searched various topics like edible wildlife...
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At HAECC we have just received 16 new trees which shall be planted soon by this year’s group. And although today was a windy day, they’ll soon be in the soil and over the next few years we’ll create a small HAECC arboretum. The greenhouse is also slowly filling up, now with some tomatoes and basil. The...
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Our Sunshine class planted a garden last Spring at HAECC with the support of our team from the Horticulture program.  Our staff and students enjoyed a wonderful and nutritious harvest meal with salads, tomato sandwiches and other goodies.  They even grew and dried their own tea to enjoy throughout the school year.  We are looking...
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We’ve spent the last year thinking about who we are. As you interact with us going forward you’ll likely see our new NFSB Continuing Education logo, or maybe a new banner or ad. What we hope you’ll see is us honouring our current and future students who find the courage to overcome obstacles, defy expectation,...
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Video interviews with vocational teachers from across the province who explain their journey from being a student getting their DEP (diplôme d’études professionnelles), working in their respective fields for a few years, becoming teachers in a vocational centre and then returning to university to get their teaching degree. The dedication, passion and enthusiasm these professionals...
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In this episode we visit Trades In Motion, as an attendance record of 4 189 students make their way during the 3rd edition of the interactive career fair. – Students came from over 76 schools in the region. – Four local school boards partnered together for this project – 29 interactive vocational kiosks had the...
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Come, See, Do and… Moo? (yes there was even a calf on-site) The Trades, literally, came alive in Chateauguay in early April as the the third edition of Trades in Motion took place under a giant tent in the parking lot of St.Willibrord school. This unprecedented event continues to grow, as this year four school...
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Our Centres


Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tel: 450 829-2396

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