
Since December, Option students are participating in robotics classes to improve their problem solving, time management, teamwork (peer co-operation) and planning skills. Students have gained more confidence with the new skills they’ve learned and feel more prepared them to undertake more difficult tasks.
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A few of our students from the Options Class worked on disassembling and reassembling a Briggs and Stratton snowblower engine, last Fall. The students had the opportunity to identify the major components of a 4 cycle engine and learned about the basic functioning of the engine as well. The students began to follow an online...
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GRATITUDE/CARING PILLAR/ALTRUISM and COOPERATION Last Fall, students from the Option Class joined the United Church Organization in Huntingdon to help out for their “Pie Bee” fundraising event. The teams of busy bees were making apple, cherry, blueberry and raisin pies and were bagging, sorting and distributing them. The final count of total pies made that day...
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Learn the skills you need to enter the workforce! W.O.R.K. Program @ NOVA Career Centre – “Working towards Occupational Readiness and Knowledge” Through classroom work, one-on-one guidance, and work study opportunities in businesses matched to your career goals, our W.O.R.K. Program will give you the skills you need to get your dream job! September to May: Mon-Thurs...
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NOVA Career Centre will be starting a W.O.R.K. (Working towards Occupational Readiness and Knowledge) Program this September, also called the Sociovocational Integration Services Program (SVIS).  This program will provide you with the knowledge and training to become a desirable and successful employee.  The courses offered will lead you in developing not only the work skills specific...
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A big thanks to all those who made it out to the HAECC’s open house last week. The event could not have been possible without the teachers, staff and students who dedicated their time to make the event a success. Because of all the hard work visitors got the chance to tour the centre and...
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Melissa’s Sunshine Camp is a non-profit organization for people 21 years old and up with intellectual or physical disabilities in the Haut-St-Laurent region. They offer day activities from Monday to Friday at HAECC. The staff and students of the Melissa Sunshine camp made a video to honour the week of Intellectual Disability Awareness. This video...
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HAECC had a presentation to staff and students on depression & mental health awareness (March 9th). Partners for life which is founded through the Mental Illness Foundation offers workshops and presentations to teenagers and adults throughout the province of Quebec. The 75-minute presentation creates awareness of depression, informs the audience of the warning signs &...
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Our uber-talented friend Nora attends our Sunshine Class for adults at HAECC. She will amaze you with her animal sound skills. Nora is trying to get this video shared across the web in order for her video & talent to reach Ellen Degeneres, Boy George & Dolly Parton (she would like to meet them. That...
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This month the Options class began the Unit on Goal Setting. This unit includes topics such as: • What I Already Know • My Personal Values • Identity • Me, Myself and I • Setting Goals for a Better Future • My Personal Goals • My Choices • Thinking Critically • How are you doing?...
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Our Centres


Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tel: 450 829-2396

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