19 novembre 2018


What do you get when a Vocational Centre and an Elementary school work together? MAGIC… & something special. We are pleased to video showcase the – Phase 1 of the Heritage Elementary playground project – the outdoor classroom! CVCEC students and staff built an outdoor classroom for the school to help increase student motivation and a healthy active lifestyle for...
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The students in the Social Integration/Options Class at HAECC watched the Quebec Provincial election debate process. The teachers had presented the platform of each party so that the students could make an informed decision for the past election.  The teachers ordered a practice kit from Elections Quebec in order for the students to have a...
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Les étudiants en horticulture ont planté 20 livres d'ail local biologique dans notre propre potager. C'est facile à faire si l'on est habillé chaudement ! Après l'arrosage, nous avons nettoyé les dernières plates-bandes surélevées et dit bonne nuit au jardin pour un autre sommeil hivernal. Restez à l'écoute pour notre prochaine vente de plantes d'hiver...
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Nos centres


Centre de formation professionnelle de la vallée de Châteauguay
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tél. : 450 829-2396

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