Les étudiants conseillent et réussissent

We have organized a Student Advisory Committee at HAECC.  Our goal is to teach our students how a meeting is run and how to take responsibility for their centre.  One of our first activities was to organize something for Halloween and we had students do the advertising by word of mouth as well as by posters.   This included a contest for the best decorated class.  What spirit!  The students really got into this and outdid themselves.  Congratulations to William Byron for the winning class!  As well, there were contests including best pumpkin carving and best costume. Students brought in music, decorated the cafeteria and helped BBQ the hotdogs.  Bottled water, hotdogs, salads, veggies and dip, cupcakes (compliments of the Sunshine Class) and chips were served to all, as approximately 80 people attended.  Students commented on how well everyone now knows each other and how our small centre makes them feel welcome, accepted and appreciated.  Food always has a way of attracting people! Prizes included candy (of course!), and gift certificates for Subway restaurant.

Many students are taking and passing exams in Math, Science and Biology as seen by the “STARS of SUCCESS” on the bulletin board in the student hallway.  This has become a positive way to reinforce student success as well as instill pride in our students.  Every module they complete successfully, they must write on their star with a new sticker.  The board was empty at the beginning but now the STARS are starting to light up the hallway.   On Thursday, November 6, eighteen of our students attended the Career Fair at C.V.R.  The students were encouraged to speak with the representatives of colleges, career centres, etc.  Many of the students enjoyed this activity because it gave them possible career options which they had not considered before, which reinforced their decision to complete their high school certificate or obtain the necessary courses to be accepted into a vocational program.

Kathleen Hackett (Math, Science, Biology teacher at HAECC)

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