Déménager pour venir à l'école... pourquoi pas ?

Whether fresh out of high school or coming back to school after years in the workforce, signing up for a vocational program is always an exciting new adventure. Most students attending the programs drive to school, but for some, the adventure includes relocating miles from home and settling into the Chateauguay Valley. These students are often gaining new freedoms for the first time, along with new experiences and new responsibilities.

The staff at the vocational centres are always available to lend a helping hand, advising students of vacant apartments, rooms to rent, local services and entertainment. If you dream of taking a program but the distance is hindering your decision, let the testimonials from past and present students guide you on your journey.

Trevor Bobbit, Brandon Jones and Isabelle Miles are presently enrolled in the carpentry program:
Isabelle finds the town to be small compared to Montreal but says that the people are very friendly here.
Brandon and Trevor say that the teachers are so much fun and very friendly. They make it easier to adjust to the area.
Past carpentry student Matt Pealey says  ” Living in the Chateauguay Valley was a life changing experience.  So many people in the valley took me under their wings, gave me jobs and treated me as family.  I have made many new life time friends”.

Shelley Smythe

Office Agent

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