Les métiers en mouvement : Un grand succès !

Trades in Motion took place under the big top at St.Willibrord from April 9-11 during Adult Learners’ week. Over 3000 grade 5-8 students participated in a hands on experience of 21 trades offered by the New Frontiers and Grandes Seigneuries school boards. On Wednesday evening, children, their parents and community members came to the open house to try the trades together. At least 300 people experienced and awesome evening of discovery! 150 high school students from Howard S. Billings, Chateauguay Valley Regional and Louis Phillipe Paré volunteered to take great care of all the visitors and their tours. This amazing event was made possible by the collaboration from the two school boards and from financial support from the CRE Haut St. Laurent and the MELS.

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