Le beau jeu

Les Centre de carrière NOVA hosted the 1st ever Adult Education Athletics Association – Soccer Tournament. Sixteen vocational and general education centres from five different school boards took part in this inaugural event. The opportunity for students to play in an organized athletic competition between centres is a very unique experience in the province. Students were very appreciative of the days events and “the beautiful game” definitely lived up to its reputation as goals, cheers and fun were had by all. Congrats to all the teams who took part in the action and a special note to the squad from CVCEC who won the Championship game against the NOVA club in an all NFSB finals.

School Boards taking part in the Soccer Tournament:
– Lester B. Pearson School Board
– New Frontiers School Board
– Riverside School Board
– Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board
– Western Quebec School Board

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