Le programme de partenariat se termine en beauté

The Introduction to Construction Trades program (ICT), a collaboration with the the New Frontiers School Board and the Kahnawake Economic Deveopment Commission (KEDC), closed its activities this summer with the building of home sheds available for sale to the public.

This special program, in its second installment, offered clients from KEDC the opportunity to “test drive” modules in four different DEP MELS programmes: Welding and Fitting, Carpentry, Electricity and Plumbing, the  two latter in collaboration with the Lester B. Pearson School Board.  Students were able to participate in real, credited modules in these programmes.  Training was held at NOVA, where the Welding equipment was readily available, and other equipment was brought in for the other modules.  The Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre coordinated the Carpentry modules.

Some students were also offered to study in the Academics General Education programme  to enable them to get the minimum requirements to register in some of the programs.  In the end, the majority of participants registered in one of the four DEPs and one participant completed his requirements to receive his High School Diploma!

The last stretch of the project was to work on a “real time”, practical project, that encompasssed all of their learning skills: constructing home sheds.  With the help of some local entrepreneurs, the students have constructed the sheds in small teams for them to be sold or raffled.

This is another great example of the commitment of NFSB’s Continuing Education and its Centres with their local and regional partners.  Well done!


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