Le dévouement de Deanna porte ses fruits

Deanna Richard was awarded a $1000.00 bursary from the Fondation de L’Alphabetisation du Quebec for her hard work and perseverance as an adult learner at HAECC.  The staff at HAECC nominated Deanna for this award as she was one of five people throughout the province to receive this bursary. Deanna showed incredible courage to walk through the doors to complete her secondary requirements – especially since her son was also completing his secondary studies at HAECC.

Deanna brought her life experiences to the classroom and was a positive role-model for all of our students.  She is now attending Concordia University studying education to become a teacher.  When she received her bursary, Deanna told that crowd that, “you are never too old to go back to school or to achieve your goals”.  She wants to become an adult education teacher after completing her studies in four years from now.

The team at HAECC is extremely proud of Deanna’s accomplishments and her desire to continue her studies in the teaching profession.

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