Des mains secourables... et un bus

The Community Jamboree fundraiser for the Habitat for Humanity (“Our House Project”) has come and gone but the positive fallout from this collaborative project continues to resonate in our community. One such example is the story of Grade 5 and 6 students from Ormstown Elementary (O.E.S.).During the week of the Jamboree students from O.E.S. volunteered to help clean up the arena before the big show.

The students were extremely happy to help a community initiative in their own backyard and volunteering their time for such a good cause was an extremely valuable learning experience.They were also very appreciative to get an opportunity to work as a team, learn new life skills and give back to their community. They in turn wrote a letter to the bus company thanking them for supplying the transportation which in turned saved them time by not walking to the site.

But the good news doesn’t stop there!

The bus company who was hired to drive the students to the Ormstown Fairgrounds upon hearing about the nature of their outing ended up waiving the cost of the bus rental fee. Therefore the transportation was free for the school to bring their students to this wonderful volunteering experience. Now that’s a local business caring about its community.

The New Frontiers School Board Transportation Manager, Denis Poirier, on behalf of all those involved wrote a thank you letter to “Autobus R. Leduc” (based out of Huntingdon) thanking them for their generous donation to the school and the students.

O.E.S. principal David Brisebois, added ” I am very proud of my students and their desire to help out a good cause. This is just another example of how fortunate we are to live and work in communities where lending a helping hand is not a buzz word but instead a way of life that defines the true meaning of community.”



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