Video: Recap # 1 – Our House (Episode 6)

Where is the Our House project at right now? In this episode you’ll get a quick recap of some of what’s happened to-date. From the launch of the project, meeting the teacher team, footage from the fundraising Jamboree and witnessing first-hand a Habitat family getting the keys to their own new home. We also throw in the winning video entry for Montreal Canadiens hockey tickets from our CVCEC Carpentry students. And of course a another LEED tip of the day: water efficiency in your home.

And if you’ve missed our previous episodes, be sure to check them out in our: “Our House” Video Gallery – where you’ll find the first four episodes.

Formulaire de candidature pour devenir notre famille d'habitat. NOUS PRENONS ENCORE DES CANDIDATURES : En ANGLAIS / En FRANÇAIS


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