CVCEC, An Amazing Place to Be !!!!

I have to say that my first year working at CVCEC has been amazing. This place is such a great place to be, as an employee as well as a student.

A new group of Charpenterie students started this week. I know for a fact that they have come to the right place. A new journey for each one of them. It is so nice to see students playing basketball at lunch, others throwing the football to each other, while some just sit around at the picnic tables chit chatting with each other. A few times a year we have a corn roast for students and staff, one of them being after our Terry Fox Run. The students are also fortunate, to have Denis our custodian as he volunteers his time to them, after school for games of soccer et volleyball, as well hockey games at lunch. CVCEC also has a hockey team that plays against the Centre de carrière NOVA in Chateauguay every Thursday evening in the winter.

Besides having four groups of Carpentry classes running, our Centre also offers a double DEP program (Diplome d'études professionnelles) in Assistance dans les établissements de soins de santé et Home Care; the Health Assistance and Nursing Program as well as the Landscaping Operations Program. We still have available spaces in all of them.

Come on down to our Centre, check it out, be a Étudiant d'un jour and you won’t want to leave!!!

Debbie Parent
Centre Secretary

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