

The SFIS students (Sunshine Class) have been helping the community by doing some yard work. During the month of April the students cleaned up branches and prepared flower beds at the K Residence in Huntingdon. They also picked up branches and debris at Saint Joseph’s Church.
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Spring Delight Who would expect March and April to be colourful months in the perennial flower beds, even in your lawn. As soon as the snow is gone you can enjoy many spring flowering bulbs, long before tulips have emerged. If you plan carefully you can have a continuous flower show from mid-March all the...
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Staff and students organized a clothing swap at HAECC. This is the third clothing swap organized for students; they are usually organized in the winter and spring. Everyone is welcome to come and choose any clothing they wish to have – no strings attached. The clothing swap is always well represented and appreciated by all.
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Nous avons planté, semé, taillé, fertilisé et entretenu avec amour 118 variétés de plantes (4817 au total !) au cours des derniers mois, alors que nous nous préparons à notre VENTE DE PRINTEMPS annuelle. Cette année, cette vente est particulièrement importante car elle contribuera à financer notre prochain voyage à San Jose de Ocoa (République dominicaine). La photo ci-dessus...
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We at HAECC have been trying to create a new communal library in our English class. Since before Christmas the formation générale (FG) staff has been working very hard to acquire new, and gently used books for this library project. We have gotten a very positive response from the HAECC community, and have received book...
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Les élèves de la classe Options/Sunshine ont assisté au salon de l'emploi organisé par l'agent de développement communautaire du CTC de Valleyfield, Brooke Wilson, à l'Institut Gault, le jeudi 16 mars. Les élèves ont écouté des présentations et participé à des kiosques pratiques installés dans le gymnase. Ils se sont également renseignés sur les possibilités de formation continue. Certains présentateurs avaient des stands interactifs -...
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Students and Staff of HAECC were treated to a morning with Montreal Alouettes linebacker Kyries Hebert. Kyries spoke to our students about perseverance and how his personal ups and downs as a professional football player both in Canada and the United States; has taught him about success in the face of adversity. After his talk,...
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Visiting The House Of Knowledge And Building Community Connections The Option/Sunshine Class have been sharpening their literacy skills and building confidence as they look at books that interest them at the local library in Huntingdon. Every three weeks, students have been borrowing books, looking at art exhibitions, researching resources on computers and building community connections...
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Alors que certains s'apprêtent à fuir les vents de l'hiver, les étudiants en horticulture profitent de l'allongement de la durée du jour. Dans la serre, il est temps de commencer à planter des graines. Quelques jours après la plantation, nous voyons apparaître les nouvelles pousses vertes des fleurs annuelles et des légumes de cet été. Très bientôt, la pleine production de...
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Wednesday, February 22nd was Anti-Bullying Day, Students and Staff at HAECC were in fine form sporting their pink. “Nearly half of all adolescent Canadian students reported they have experienced recent bullying” according to https://nobullying.com/bullying-statistics-in-canada. The Pink shirt initiative began when a high school student in Nova Scotia was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to...
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Centre de formation professionnelle de la vallée de Châteauguay
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tél. : 450 829-2396

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