

The Home Care Assistance program is composed of many modules, one of them being the Basic Care module, which, among other activities and training,  includes shaving clients.  We felt that the students would benefit more from this module if they could practice their shaving skills on staff, students and friends.   On December 1st, at 3:30PM,  we opened...
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Tout le monde pense pouvoir réussir seul, mais nous avons souvent besoin les uns des autres ! Récemment, le CVCEC a construit une baignoire sur roues pour le programme d'aide aux soins de santé du NOVA Career Centre. Nous tenons à remercier tout particulièrement toutes les personnes impliquées dans ce projet ! POURQUOI ? Nos cours de base sur l'assistance aux soins à domicile et aux établissements de soins de santé exigent des étudiants...
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Il y a quelques temps, dans le cadre du module Dessins d'atelier de charpente métallique du Département de dessin résidentiel et commercial, un groupe du matin et un groupe du soir ont visité trois chantiers de construction (Parc 3 Nord, le nouveau bâtiment du Département de neurologie de McGill, et la future station de métro St-Timothée). Une visite a été effectuée par l'enseignant Domenico Papandrea, où...
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What with the icy clutch of Old Man Winter looming on the horizon, HAECC students find themselves in the harrowing midst of midterm examinations. Save for the busy scritching of pen nibs, the normally raucous halls echoed merely with the Halloween like soughing of the equinoctial winds at the window panes. In between various Halloween...
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Hairdressing is all about cutting hair… or is it? The Hairdressing DEP includes many modules in which students must master the theory before they start their practical work. Posters of the Human Skin and Hair Essential to hairdressing, students demonstrate their understanding of human skin and hair by building a poster which includes more than...
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Un autre événement amusant a eu lieu en octobre, au cours duquel les élèves et le personnel se sont habillés de manière créative, spirituelle et effrayante ! Quelques moments forts : Le costume le plus effrayant : Le Joker (Dominic Laposta de l'école) Le costume le plus drôle : Le vieil homme (Brandon Whitebean de Academics) Costume le plus original : Le guerrier barbu (Rebecca Legault de la décoration intérieure) Mention spéciale à Colleen...
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In an effort to better understand the art of visual display and window dressing the Winter 2015 Day group and I took to the malls of downtown Montreal. Our journey started underground in Les Cours Mont-Royal going through all four floors. Then followed through to Carrefour Industrielle Alliance where we took our time examining the...
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Michael Moore, a teacher in the Interior Design and Visual Display program, has been honoured – again! He recently won the 2015 ASID Design Award in the Small Residential Design category for a kitchen he designed for a couple who live in a townhouse in Outremont. Where does his passion come from? “From a very early age I knew...
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Again this year NOVA hosted a Héma-Québec Blood Drive.  But our 2015 edition had a different twist than our previous years. Our RV shop used to host the event, but that was no longer possible this year, since that area is now… a welding shop!  So Héma-Québec offered to use their mobile unit (called Globule!)....
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Nos centres


Centre de formation professionnelle de la vallée de Châteauguay
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tél. : 450 829-2396

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