Formation générale des adultes


Fall has arrived and another school year has begun at HAECC! On Tuesday, September 19th students and staff were treated to a “Welcome Back” BBQ lunch prepared by Café Teacher Marie-Claire Charlebois and her team of volunteers and students. The traditional cookout included: hot dogs, corn on the cob, veggies and chips. Dessert included watermelon, Rice...
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Today, (dated: May 17th 2017) is one of the best days of my life. I just finished my last high school exam! I still can’t believe it! With so much time and effort, I want to thank the Nova Career Centre for helping me with this process. With a lot of patience, dedication and kindness I...
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What is the Options Class all about @ HAECC? The SVIS program (sociovocational integration services) helps students better prepare for the workforce, improve their time management skills, learn about financial budgeting and strategies for living autonomously.
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Le 11 mai, le Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre (HAECC) a célébré sa cérémonie de réussite et de remise de diplômes aux étudiants. La journée a commencé par un merveilleux brunch pour tous les étudiants. Ce brunch a été préparé et servi par leur professeur dans l'esprit de la réussite. Nous souhaitons à tous nos étudiants un avenir merveilleux non...
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Thursday May 4th was a very exciting day at HAECC as members of the Siemens Corporation and the Salvation Army donated 20 laptop computers to students in need. This initiative was started by Math and Science Teacher Kathleen Hackett when she saw that many students did not have access to a computer at home and...
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We at HAECC have been trying to create a new communal library in our English class. Since before Christmas the formation générale (FG) staff has been working very hard to acquire new, and gently used books for this library project. We have gotten a very positive response from the HAECC community, and have received book...
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Nos professeurs d'éducation à Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre ont fait partie d'une équipe du New Frontiers School Board qui a assisté à une conférence PLC (Professional Learning Communities) à Jacksonville, en Floride (en novembre). Cette équipe, composée d'enseignants de l'éducation des adultes et d'administrateurs de nos trois centres (HAECC, NOVA et CVCEC), a passé...
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This Fall semester marks a new beginning for our Adult General Education program at the NOVA Career Centre as, upon popular demand, we are offering physical education to our adult learners. The class is being team taught by two physical education specialists, Steve Principe and Max Audette. Our students are exploring the world of team...
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Nos centres


Centre de formation professionnelle de la vallée de Châteauguay
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tél. : 450 829-2396

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