
Knowing about local health and social services in your area is not always easy. Here is a one-stop resource video  about Health & Social Services available in the Haut-Saint-Laurent area. A multitude of bilingual services are at your disposal. This informative bilingual resource video includes 22 groups, which range from services such as: educational, health care providers,...
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Chateauguay CLC Mary Gardner  Students gone VC Wild! Technology teacher Ms. Cristina Gonzalez has been connecting her students to some wild VC (video conference) opportunities since the students came back from the winter break. Grade 1 students participated in ‘Give a Hoot for Owls’ with the Louis Richardson Zoo (Kansas). Grade 2 students jumped through...
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INSCRIPTION AU CAMP - 2016 (version imprimable) TROUSSE DE BIENVENUE (version imprimable) Le camp Crossroads arrive Le camp d'été Crossroads est de retour et prend les inscriptions. Willibrord, le camp Crossroads a permis d'offrir aux jeunes une opportunité de croissance personnelle, d'augmentation de l'estime de soi et la chance de construire de nouvelles amitiés. L'objectif du camp est...
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Here is a one-stop resource video in order to find out about Health & Social Services available in our area. A multitude of bilingual services are at your disposal. The 30-second clips includes 35 groups, which range from services such as: mental health, educational, women shelter, health care providers, literacy, childcare and much more. Contact...
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Valleyfield CLC – Gault Institute Finalist in Habitat for Humanity contest! Magalie Cyr, a Grade six student, was chosen as a finalist among 5000 Canadian students in the “Meaning of Home” contest in support of Habitat for Humanity Canada. The aim of the writing assignment was to teach students the importance of giving back to...
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Êtes-vous un aidant ? Ou peut-être êtes-vous en train de le devenir ? Un aidant naturel est une personne qui prend soin d'un membre de sa famille, d'un ami ou d'un voisin. Ce rôle non rémunéré est extrêmement précieux et a un réel impact physique, émotionnel et social, pour vous et la personne que vous aidez, mais il peut aussi...
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Chateauguay CLC – WINTER 2016 Brochure. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD – BROCHURE Brochure will be sent home with your child or via email in the coming weeks (depending on the communication method of the school) @ Centennial Park, Harmony, Mary Gardner and St. Willibrord. For more information contact CLC Chateauguay technician, Anthony Spadaccino – or call 450-691-1440...
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North Pole connection, teacher honoured, sweet sounds of new music and much more. (NFSB) CLC Wrap-up: News & notes (December). Santa Comes to Town(s) Santa Claus spoke with Pre-K, Kindergarten, Learning Centre and Sunshine Class (HAECC) students all week via the video-conference system. He wanted to thank the students in Interior Decorating & Visual Display...
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The tradition is alive and well… as the Chateauguay Raiders helped the community once again by preparing Christmas baskets for families in need.  This year, the football organization helped out more than 50 families.  The well-orchestrated and run activity (by organizational virtuosi Nick Iannuccitti and Judy Palmer) was a thrill to watch, as per usual, gifts...
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Nos étudiants internationaux en décoration d'intérieur et en présentation visuelle et leur professeur Shelley McGowan ont appris que le Père Noël cherchait à rafraîchir l'"Atelier du Père Noël" au Pôle Nord. Ils ont donc décidé de prendre les devants et de créer une toute nouvelle toile de fond pour M. Noël. Depuis cinq ans, le Père Noël a la possibilité de discuter pendant une demi-heure via son...
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Nos centres


Centre de formation professionnelle de la vallée de Châteauguay
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tél. : 450 829-2396

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