
Quelques étudiants en horticulture de la HAECC ont récemment effectué leurs stages à la Coop les Jardins de la Résistance à Ormstown. Coop les Jardins de la Résistance Les inscriptions pour l'ASC de légumes biologiques d'été sont ouvertes ! De la mi-juin jusqu'en novembre, la coopérative déposera chaque semaine des légumes biologiques pour nos membres au Marché Sarah...
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The annual Gala de reconnaissance jeunesse rurale / Rural Youth Gala celebrates the community involvement of young people ages 6-24 in five categories: volunteer or citizen involvement school or social perseverance healthy living habits (food or sports) cultural action environment Two students at HAECC were not only nominated in their two respective categories but were also awarded the Gala’s top...
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New Frontiers School Board’s video on the four orientations which guide our strategic plan. – Provide the conditions for every student to achieve success. – Promote and support personal and professional growth. – Engage and value our communities as collaborative partners . – Optimize resources and engage in relationships that support student success Our values can...
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CLC Wrap-up: News-notes (May 2015) CLC Chateauguay: St. Willibrord My own inukshuk After their Red path Museum video conference visit, grade 4 students continued to work on their rocks and minerals project (community based service learning/CBSL). They made their own inukshuk (man-made stone landmark used by the Inuit) in art class and then walked over...
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We want to hear from our community members! What kind of courses and activities would you like to see in your area? PLEASE TAKE OUR SURVEY (click here) *It only takes 5 minutes! We swear it. With the feedback, we shall get a better sense of what Lifelong Learning opportunities for adults living in our community...
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The Montreal Alouettes John Bowman talked to our students and staff about perseverance, hard work, setting goals and dreams at CVCEC. He left a lasting impression on everyone in attendance, as his success story resonated with our students. A huge thank you to the Montreal Alouettes organization and especially Mr. Bowman for coming to our...
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CLC Wrap-up: News-notes (April 2015) – Mummies and minerals, self-defence courses, show me the money and much more. The marvels of rocks and minerals Cycle 2 enjoyed a visit from the Redpath Museum as part of their project on Rocks and Minerals. This is a community-based service learning project involving French second language, English Language Arts,...
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We wanted to give a shout out and a huge congratulations to Mary Gardner Elementary student, Cohen Schlereth. Cohen is the grand prize winner of a free week of equestrian camp courtesy of Willdon Stables in Mercier. Wildon Stables approached our Continuing Education Department and offered the week of camp as a Trade It Forward prize...
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CLC Wrap-up: news-notes (March. 2015). Cooking up success, pink t-shirt power, winter wonderland fun and much more. Keeping it classy Three out of five families do not know what they are eating tonight. C.V.R.’s Learning Centre is finding a great solution to this problem. Students are giving input about cooking recipes, preparation and food distribution...
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À la mi-février, le NFSB a fièrement accueilli le Véhicube, une initiative de la Fondation Pierre Lavoie visant à aider les élèves des écoles primaires à apprendre les rudiments d'une alimentation saine et d'un mode de vie actif. Les élèves des écoles Harmony et Howick, ainsi que l'école invitée St. Jean Elementary, ont participé à l'expérience Véhicube. Le Véhicube est une caravane itinérante qui offre des...
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Nos centres


Centre de formation professionnelle de la vallée de Châteauguay
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tél. : 450 829-2396

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