Le blog à la CVCEC


Motivate and Inform…Blogging at CVCEC

In the effort to respond to the new reality of the universal social network, I have introduced a blog as a companion to my lessons.

Not being much of a tech kind of guy, this was not an easy transition for me and I had to learn what the appropriate content, style and tone of a successful blog was.  Also, each group of students is different, so every post has to be tailored to each unique group and every different subject.

Although not every student takes advantage of the blog, I have found that for those who take the time to read it, view the links, and participate by commenting on the posts appear to improve their commitment to their own learning.

My blog has helped me to adapt my teaching to reach today’s modern and increasingly younger student, and improves our dialogue both individually and collectively.


John Hodges, CVCEC teacher


Visit us at: http://jhcarpentry.wordpress.com/

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