Technology for Everybody

A Cool Technology and Education Conference for Everybody (part 2)

Creative, critical productive thinking was the idea tossed about by many presenters during the CONNECT 2015 conference.  The definition of the idea is quite simply combining creativity and critical thinking to create a productive outcome. Check out this informative Web page filled with information and links on creative and critical thinking for both students and teachers.

One concept that was built from this creative- critical, productive thinking model was Makerspace or Hackerspace. These two terms refer to the same model: students have a space where they can create, invent , and build their ideas. Many of the presenters touched on these ideas in their various forms with the consensus being that the rise of student motivation was considerable and the creative output was enormous.

Here are three very different You Tube videos on the Makerspace/hacker space movement.
The first video is how Elementary and middle years students are using the idea.

This video is from an adult community that created their own Makerspace.

This link is about Hackerspace. You will see that the common interests are often technological and computer based interests but it is not exclusive to those interests. This is how a high school is using Hackerspace.

This Pinterest board has many different resources to help create your own Makerspace.

So you vocational teachers and students are thinking, “Hey that is what I do.” You do and you do it well but imagine if we could expand those horizons into a place for all to create, invent and build their ideas. The question, “Where do we start?” is food for thought but it is exciting to ponder the possibilities. I think the trick it is if your are inspired, start small and build.

This concludes part 2 of CONNECT 2015.

If you have a story where technology has helped increase a teaching or learning goal and would like to share it with us.  If so please contact me at:
Till next time,
Bill Legge (RECIT Consultant)
Previous Tech Corners
– Pedagogy is the vehicle. Technology is the accelerator! (Edition 6 – part 1)
- Kahooting in class (Edition 5)
- Using Edmodo to communicate (Edition 4)
- Powtoon, iMovie and Youtube (Edition 3)
- Corner-blended learning, camera calculator (Edition 2)
Using iMovie (Edition 1)


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