La vie scolaire dans une petite communauté

From the time that you enter CVCEC, you will feel welcome and feel a connection with the fun and professional support staff, as well as with the other students. Besides the great programs offered at CVCEC, you will have competent and professional teachers ready to help you with any struggles you may have academically or otherwise. They are always available for their students.

The school is within walking distance from Tim Hortons, IGA, Subway, Familiprix, etc. There is even an ice cream stand around the corner!!! You also have access to Wi-Fi, sports equipment, and exercise equipment. Any major events happening in the news is shown on a big screen in the cafeteria for everyone to see such as hockey games or important news events. We have BBQ’s at the beginning of the school year as well as a Terry Fox Run, Street Hockey at lunch and Ice Hockey once a week after school in Chateauguay. We celebrate all occasions such as Halloween, Remembrance Day, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and Easter etc.

Upon graduation, you will leave CVCEC with a diploma, new friends and great memories.

Don’t take my word for it; just ask any student that has graduated from CVCEC!!!

Denis – Caretaker at your service CVCEC

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