Olympiades des métiers, que le jeu commence

CVCEC will soon participate in the Regional Skills Olympics, which will be held at the EFPC Chateauguay Career Centre on the February 17th. The competition consists of building three walls with sheeting, an octagonal window and a gable roof with overhangs. All of this, within five hours, limited amount of material and with strict precision. Right now, several dedicated students are staying after class to practice for the event. Most of these students live quite far from our Centre; we are very impressed by their commitment. Teachers are there to coach them and answer their specific questions. Together, they are trying to maximize the use of time and materials. Only one element is very hard to reproduce and it is the intensity of the actual moment of the competition, the pressure will be on! All of the Centres are practicing the same exercise. Who will make the best time and the most precise construction? GO CVCEC, GO!

Jovan Mercier-Montminy
Professeur de menuiserie, CVCEC

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