Le comité consultatif des élèves fait la différence.

As a staff member on the Student Advisory Committee, it is always nice to see how well the student representatives from the different programs work well together. The SAC gives the student reps the opportunity to speak on behalf of CVCEC’s student body – it gives the students a voice!

From complaints, student issues, to organized activities or events, the committee meets on the first Tuesday of every month (more if necessary) to discuss matters at hand. If there are problems that students have discussed with their class rep, this is brought up at the meeting as well.

So far, this year, the SAC helped organize a Terry Fox Run/BBQ in September, Halloween activities in October and a Remembrance Day ceremony in November. Parking lot issues were discussed and a new microwave was put in the student lounge – these are just a couple examples!

With the new school year well underway, the Student Advisory Committee is a great (learning tool) way to have students and staff work together – communication is key!

Being part of a group, is the perfect way for students from different programs to interact and discuss various topics – it also gets the students to connect.

Nancy Hunter (secretary)

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