Santé, assistance et soins infirmiers

Health care professionals are in high demand — work in hospitals, nursing homes, long-term care facilities – the choice is yours!

 This program will provide the skills you need to be part of a multidisciplinary team of health care professionals. The program will cover subjects including anatomy and biology, patient care, administering injections and medications, taking blood tests, applying sterile dressings, as well as how to communicate with patients and family members. Our program combines in-class with hands-on learning using the latest Nursing Anne simulator. Field placements in health care institutions round out your education and will give you the confidence you need to work in the health care sector.

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Coût (sous réserve de modifications)



Durée du programme

18 months

Conditions préalables

  • Un diplôme d'études secondaires, ou
  • Être âgé d'au moins 16 ans et avoir un niveau secondaire 4 en anglais, en mathématiques et en français, ou
  • Être âgé d'au moins 16 ans et avoir un niveau secondaire 3 en anglais, en mathématiques et en français. Tu devras suivre des cours en même temps que tu étudies ton métier pour obtenir des crédits de niveau secondaire 4 en anglais, en mathématiques et en français. Ne vous inquiétez pas, nous pouvons vous aider dans cette voie.., ou
  • Être âgé d'au moins 18 ans et réussir le test de développement général

Vous ne remplissez pas les conditions requises ? Ne vous inquiétez pas !  Contactez Nova dès aujourd'hui pour vous aider à trouver votre voie vers le programme de formation professionnelle que vous souhaitez.

Vous postulez depuis l'étranger ? Visitez notre International pour plus d'informations sur les modalités d'inscription.


What is the difference between your Health, Assistance and Nursing (HAN) and Institutional and Home Care Assistance (IHCA) programs?

 Our HAN program is 1800 hours (18 months). You will learn how to administer medication, provide advanced care such as catheterization, monitor vital signs, start IV’s and other care procedures. HAN graduates can work in hospitals, long-term care facilities or privately for insurance companies. The IHCA program is 870 hours (8.5 months). Graduates work as Nurses’ Aides in long-term care facilities, in home-care settings, or in hospitals. Responsibilities include: personal care, feeding, moving and assisting patients.

Do most graduates find work?

Yes! Quebec’s health care system needs trained personnel and the sector continues to grow.

Do I need to speak French?

You need Quebec Secondary V French to obtain your license to practice. International students, or students who graduated in Quebec before 1987, will have to pass a Quebec Government french language exam to obtain your license.

Does the program provide training in hospitals or nursing homes?

The program has 10 field placements in various healthcare institutions.
 Many of our graduates head straight to the workforce, while others continue their studies and become registered nurses. Opportunities are endless in the in-demand field of healthcare!


Health Assistance and Nursing - Program Specifics

Code Déclaration de compétence Heures Crédits
751-572 Administrer les premiers secours 30 2
752-332 Determine their suitability for the profession and training 30 2
752-342 Become familiar with a comprehensive approach to health 30 2
752-353 Communicate in a care team 45 3
752-367 Apply basic care procedures 105 7
752-372 Établir une relation d'aide 30 2
752-382 Become familiar with the legal and ethical aspects of the profession 30 2
752-393 Apply care procedures related to the musculoskeletal system 45 3
752-405 Provide basic care to clients who are experiencing loss of autonomy 75 5
752-412 Help a client meet his or her nutritional needs 30 2
752-424 Apply care procedures related to the nervous and sensory systems 60 4
752-432 Apply care procedures related to the endocrine system 30 2
752-444 Apply care procedures related to the digestive system 60 4
752-454 Apply care procedures related to the urinary and reproductive systems 60 4
752-463 Intervene with a client with cognitive deficits 45 3
752-472 Intervene with a client in palliative care 30 2
752-483 Intervene with a client with a mental health problem 45 3
752-498 Provide geronto-geriatric care 120 8
752-505 Provide care to clients with mental health problems 75 5
752-518 Provide care to clients undergoing physical rehabilitation 120 8
752-526 Provide care in a surgical unit 90 6
752-532 Intervene with a mother and her newborn 30 2
752-542 Provide care to mothers and newborns 30 2
752-552 Intervene with a child or adolescent with a health problem 30 2
752-562 Provide care to children and adolescents 30 2
752-577 Provide care to a diverse clientele 105 7
754-664 Prevent and control infection 60 4
754-714 Participate in drug therapy 60 4
754-795 Provide specific care 75 5
754-828 Provide care in a medical unit 120 8
754-865 Refer to their knowledge of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems when providing care 75 5
  1800 120


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