Landscaping is FUN!

While I was in Calgary in 2011, I stumbled into the landscaping trade and instantly fell in love with it. So, when I returned to Ormstown, I decided to enroll in the Landscaping program because I was anxious to further my knowledge in the field.

The program began in October and I am really enjoying all my new found knowledge! It is a small group this year, which is to my benefit because we are receiving more teacher/student one on one time.  My favorite part of the course would have to be the ponds/waterfalls and the pavi-uni and natural stone modules. I didn’t realize how creative and fun, yes fun, the work is, it may be physically demanding but when you see the finished product it makes you feel proud.

My future goal is to gain more experience and eventually open my own company.

Ben Burrows (Landscaping student)

**If you would like to know more about the program, don’t forget our Open House – Thursday, April, 24th (3-5 pm) @ CVCEC.**

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