video: How to install vinyl siding

Do you know how to install vinyl siding on your home or shed? In this “HOW TO” segment, John Hodges from our carpentry department, will go over step-by-step the best way to make this home renovation project a success. Cost effective and durable, installing vinyl siding has some best practices to be aware of when tackling this do-it-yourself project and some clear reno pitfalls to stay clear of.

We added two follow-up videos:
– PART 2 

Previous – How to videos:

– Grow seeds (horticulture department)

Water a plant properly (horticulture department)

Adjust cabinet doors (carpentry department)

Change a tire (auto mechanics department)

Do you have any suggestion for a future “How to” video? We’d love to hear from you. Don’t be shy and write to to suggest a topic. We have a multitude of “trade programs” maybe you’ll be inspired by one of our programs. Be sure to check out our youtube channel.

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