10 mars 2015


Pour l'étudiant, la journée type du programme de charpenterie de construction du CVCEC consiste à assister aux cours soit en salle de classe, soit en atelier ou sur le terrain, en fonction du sujet ou des tâches à accomplir. Parfois, les étudiants qui ont terminé leur travail ou qui sont en avance sur le reste du groupe peuvent...
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On February 23, at minus one million degrees, we visited the Huntingdon Hospital to take care of the tropical plants in their brand new solarium. This has been an ongoing project for the Horticulture Department. We donated a bunch of tropical plants last year when the solarium was still under construction, and now that it...
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There is quite a buzz going on in the NOVA RV shop… Students and teachers are going back and forth from the welding shops to what was the Recreational Vehicle garage (what we call the RV shop).  The RV program was closed a year ago, but the setting is now being morphed in something new…...
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Nos centres


Centre de formation professionnelle de la vallée de Châteauguay
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tél. : 450 829-2396

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