vidéo : Pourquoi nous choisir ? Dates de début des programmes !

Why choose us?
You have been searching for your passion. The journey is not easy and you need some help to figure out what to do next, to get on the track you want, to get going and moving forward.
Why choose us?
You know you are smart and ready for a new challenge. The biggest step is the first one and the people in our centres are waiting for you. They can support you, guide you and show you the path you might want to try this time.
Why choose us?
You have a choice. Life is always putting obstacles in your way and making you choose which way to turn. We are here to coach you through your choices.
Choose us because we choose you. The journey begins with you.

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Here are our courses and probable start dates:

Cours Probable Start Date
Comptabilité September 14, 2015
Assistance dans les établissements de soins de santé September 22, 2015
Mécanique automobile September 8, 2015 – Evening
Charpenterie January 7, 2016
April 6, 2016 (Probable date)
Gestion des entreprises de construction  TBD (to be determined)
Coiffure August 31, 2015
Santé, assistance et soins infirmiers September 22, 2015
Assistance aux soins à domicile September 22, 2015
Horticulture et exploitation de jardinerie September 8, 2015
Décoration intérieure et présentation visuelle September 9, 2015 – Day
September 9, 2015 – Evening
October 19, 2015 – Evening
Opérations d'aménagement paysager September 21, 2015
Dessin résidentiel et commercial September 9, 2015 (Full) – day
September 9, 2015 – Evening
Études de secrétariat January 11, 2016
Secretarial Studies – Medical  TBD (to be determined)
Créer une entreprise September 15, 2015
Soudage et montage August 31, 2015 (Full) – day
August 31, 2015 (Full) – Evening
Soudage - Haute pression August 31, 2015 (Full) – Evening
Academics – HAECC September 8, 2015
Academics – NOVA day August 27, 2015
Academics – NOVA evening TBD (To be determined)
Sunshine class September 1, 2015
SVIS September 1, 2015
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