Votre avis nous intéresse !

CLICK HERE TO FILL OUT THE SURVEY: School Community Survey (CLC Concepts)

The New Frontiers School Board its schools and centres want to hear what you think. We have a have a quick and easy five question “School Community Survey” on-line in order to get valued feedback from our parents and students.

This survey intends to gather an accurate snapshot of the needs of the families in which we serve. Your feedback is important in order to better evaluate and prioritize the Community Learning Centre (CLC) Concepts in which we focus our energies towards. Thank you for taking the time to answer and please feel free to share the survey. We will share some of the info and results we collected back on the site in November.

For more info: click the following link, (Changing Lives and Communities_Annual Report_Final), a report of activities done by Community Learning Centres (CLC) in the province of Quebec: Changing Lives and Communities.



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