Formation générale des adultes


During Aboriginal Culture Week at the NOVA Career Centre, staff and students participated in a multitude of activities throughout the week, such as the: Blanket activity, motivation workshop, identity discussion and a lunch celebration.  The 4-day week long celebration was a way to discover, explore, learn and celebrate aboriginal culture and history. The blanket activity...
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Un grand merci à tous ceux qui ont participé à la journée portes ouvertes du HAECC la semaine dernière. L'événement n'aurait pas pu avoir lieu sans les enseignants, le personnel et les étudiants qui ont consacré leur temps à faire de cet événement un succès. Grâce à tout ce travail, les visiteurs ont eu la chance de visiter le centre et...
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« What’s for lunch today? », « Oh! It smells so good! What’s cooking? », « Wow! It looks so good! What is it? » The heart of most homes is the kitchen. It is the place where we know we (often) can find someone to share with. Share a story, a moment, ideas, preoccupations,...
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At this time of the rolling year, the signs of the fast looming holidays are ubiquitous and readily appreciated. Trees bereft of greenery, the mysterious honking of geese in the night sky, and {well, normally…}, the delightful skirl of snow muting the woods and fields. Perhaps more apposite is the stunned, vacant look on students’...
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The math class at the NOVA Career Centre wanted to have a little fun and show the world how “Math” can be awesome! The students wrote, performed and conceptualized a unique music video called “Math Shop”! Boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen without further ado enjoy the world premiere of their video. We’d also like...
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En interagissant avec nous à l'avenir, vous remarquerez peut-être notre nouveau logo pour la formation continue de la CSNF, ou peut-être une nouvelle bannière ou une nouvelle publicité. Ce que nous espérons que vous verrez, c'est que nous rendons hommage à nos étudiants actuels et futurs qui trouvent le courage de surmonter les obstacles, de défier les attentes et de suivre leur passion. Qu'ils explorent l'une de nos 17...
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What with the icy clutch of Old Man Winter looming on the horizon, HAECC students find themselves in the harrowing midst of midterm examinations. Save for the busy scritching of pen nibs, the normally raucous halls echoed merely with the Halloween like soughing of the equinoctial winds at the window panes. In between various Halloween...
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Un autre événement amusant a eu lieu en octobre, au cours duquel les élèves et le personnel se sont habillés de manière créative, spirituelle et effrayante ! Quelques moments forts : Le costume le plus effrayant : Le Joker (Dominic Laposta de l'école) Le costume le plus drôle : Le vieil homme (Brandon Whitebean de Academics) Costume le plus original : Le guerrier barbu (Rebecca Legault de la décoration intérieure) Mention spéciale à Colleen...
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To make sure he could pick a career path he really wanted, Marc Poissant registered at the NOVA Career and Adult Education Center where he completed enriched Math and Science with success. Marc then chose Computer Science at Dawson College from which he graduated last Spring while receiving the “Highest Academic Achievement” award, meaning he...
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Nos centres


Centre de formation professionnelle de la vallée de Châteauguay
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tél. : 450 829-2396

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