Formation générale des adultes


On Friday, May 1st, my NOVA History students participated in a day-long field trip to Ottawa. We had been planning this trip since February, and we were all extremely excited. We raised some funds by raffling off an Easter basket full of chocolate, and then were lucky enough to receive funding from the NFSB Golf...
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The annual Gala de reconnaissance jeunesse rurale / Rural Youth Gala celebrates the community involvement of young people ages 6-24 in five categories: volunteer or citizen involvement school or social perseverance healthy living habits (food or sports) cultural action environment Two students at HAECC were not only nominated in their two respective categories but were also awarded the Gala’s top...
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On Tuesday, May 5th 2015 we celebrated our Ceremony of Success with 14 graduating students. Patricia Marlin was our Valedictorian. Award Winners: Outstanding students – Roberto Rubio Lopez and his wife Lisa Hewer Women’s Institute Award – Sébastien and Samuel Larocque Peter Partridge Governing Board Award – Courtney Vezina Character Award – Matthew Wright A...
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The first Cafe Vernissage @ HAECC showcased on Wednesday, April 22.  Art class students held an exhibition of their works which included drawings, paintings, and pâpier maché, and students from all classes made speeches, read essays, sang songs, and recited poetry; in effect, we all held a jolly celebration to toast the very frenetic year...
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Learning is tough work, but you don’t have to do it alone. Check out Nova’s Resource Centre and we’ll help you work towards your educational goals. Listen to Nova students explain what resource is to them and meet Marie & Emilie, our two amazing teachers.
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Lors du dernier jour du Souvenir, j'ai organisé un événement pour mes élèves afin qu'ils apprennent ce qu'était la vie des gens pendant la Première et la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Cet événement a connu un succès incroyable auprès de mes élèves, dont beaucoup n'avaient entendu parler des deux guerres mondiales qu'en passant et n'avaient aucune idée des...
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Le 24 mars, douze étudiants de la HAECC ont participé à la célébration de la Journée mondiale de l'environnement à Montréal. Voici quelques-unes de leurs impressions, quelques instants après être remontés dans le bus qui les ramenait chez eux. "La journée d'aujourd'hui a été très inspirante et m'a incité à être plus actif pour changer le monde pour le mieux ! ~ Andrew "Très inspirant,...
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Saint Valentine’s Day festivities at HAECC included, among sundry other things, a delightful cookie bake-off.  The result of which was that everyone in the house was treated to a medley of desserts. Valentine’s greetings which included anonymous messages were circulated throughout the building, and much puzzled guessing ensued as recipients attempted to sleuth out the...
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Completing my High School Diploma, what does it mean to me? When I immigrated to Canada I went through some changes in my life, I left my father, mother, brothers and friends. Transitioning from my culture to this new one was not easy. Especially with a new language, new way of life and new weather (especially the...
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WHAT? The Breakfast Club is for students and staff who do not have time for breakfast. We opened it Wednesday, January 14th. WHY? We know some students, especially in our class, that have not eaten breakfast, because of both time and money. WHERE? At HAECC, near the office, we put out toast, jam, peanut butter,...
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Nos centres


Centre de formation professionnelle de la vallée de Châteauguay
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tél. : 450 829-2396

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