
Nous encourageons les étudiants à suivre le programme d'opérations d'aménagement paysager ainsi que le programme d'horticulture et d'exploitation de centres de jardinage. Chaque programme a ses spécialités, mais les deux se complètent et complètent la formation pour une industrie de plus en plus exigeante. Voici l'histoire de Shannon DeRosier, qui a suivi les deux programmes. "J'ai élevé mes enfants de manière à ce qu'ils puissent...
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Visiting The House Of Knowledge And Building Community Connections The Option/Sunshine Class have been sharpening their literacy skills and building confidence as they look at books that interest them at the local library in Huntingdon. Every three weeks, students have been borrowing books, looking at art exhibitions, researching resources on computers and building community connections...
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Le Dr Reggie Melrose, psychologue et auteur à succès, a visité chacun de nos trois centres pour adultes et professionnels (CVCEC, HAECC, NOVA) le 30 mars et a rencontré notre personnel et nos étudiants pour partager ses connaissances et sa sagesse sur le cerveau humain et sur la façon de mieux gérer le stress. Nous tenons à la remercier pour l'incroyable...
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Alors que certains s'apprêtent à fuir les vents de l'hiver, les étudiants en horticulture profitent de l'allongement de la durée du jour. Dans la serre, il est temps de commencer à planter des graines. Quelques jours après la plantation, nous voyons apparaître les nouvelles pousses vertes des fleurs annuelles et des légumes de cet été. Très bientôt, la pleine production de...
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Wednesday, February 22nd was Anti-Bullying Day, Students and Staff at HAECC were in fine form sporting their pink. “Nearly half of all adolescent Canadian students reported they have experienced recent bullying” according to https://nobullying.com/bullying-statistics-in-canada. The Pink shirt initiative began when a high school student in Nova Scotia was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to...
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A few of our students from the Options Class worked on disassembling and reassembling a Briggs and Stratton snowblower engine, last Fall. The students had the opportunity to identify the major components of a 4 cycle engine and learned about the basic functioning of the engine as well. The students began to follow an online...
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GRATITUDE/CARING PILLAR/ALTRUISM and COOPERATION Last Fall, students from the Option Class joined the United Church Organization in Huntingdon to help out for their “Pie Bee” fundraising event. The teams of busy bees were making apple, cherry, blueberry and raisin pies and were bagging, sorting and distributing them. The final count of total pies made that day...
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Pinceaux en main et vision d'un espace rajeuni et relaxant, notre classe d'horticulture s'est lancée dans la création d'un jardin tropical intérieur dans la cafétéria. Grâce à la créativité et à la collaboration, nous avons trouvé des idées de base pour l'espace : branches de bouleau, réparation des dalles de plafond, fabrication de bancs pour augmenter le nombre de places assises et mise à jour des tables avec...
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Our Fall semester finished up last month and our students took a well deserved rest. As per usual our Holiday/Christmas spirit is strong at HAECC. We held our annual turkey meal with all the trimmings for all of our students to enjoy. Carolling was also part of the festivities with teachers, staff and students singing...
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To my friends at NFSB, I wanted to say how fortunate I was to have spoken to the 24 separate groups of students, over the course of 5-days, from 10 different schools & Centres ranging from PreK & Kindergarten students to my special friends in the Sunshine Class at HAECC.  I will always cherish each...
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Nos centres


Centre de formation professionnelle de la vallée de Châteauguay
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tél. : 450 829-2396

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