CLC Wrap Up Report: news & notes (October)

In an effort to inform our community members about some of the exciting initiatives within our NFSB family – here is our first Community Learning Centre “CLC Concepts Wrap Up Report”. We will periodically share community oriented stories that may be of interest to readers.

(photo – clockwise” CLC logo, Video Conference Santa, CVCEC Carpentry teachers design of Habitat house, students @ Trades in Motion 2013.)

CPS hosts a Community Wednesday
Community Wednesdays went on the road to Centennial Park Elementary School in October. Twenty eight partners were present with various activities offered to children and families. The Veterans museum was opened with a tour guide from the Chateauguay Canadian Legion and a member from the Cadets. The evening was a success with over 230 people in the building. CPS principal Joanne Daviau expressed interest in possibly making “Community Wednesday” an annual November event if possible at CPS.

Vision on-line
HSB Vision Newspaper is working in collaboration with Le Soleil newspaper (Chateauguay) as Vision has on-line monthly articles in a blog. With this great partnership Vision has been able to use less paper consumption since now only 5 paper editions are printed during the year and the rest are online. You can view visions articles at

Speakers club
At the Annual CLC conference, NFSB was very well represented as three employees were asked by the CLC Provincial Resource Team to present at the conference: Darryl Ness (Huntingdon CEGEP project), Anthony Spadaccino (Restorative Justice practices @ St. Willibrord) and Claire Mallette (bridging the gap between an anglophone school and a primarily French community) all did 20 minute presentations to the conference participants.

Getting the word out
Our facebook page and new website continues to inform the population about news and events that they may find useful. Community groups have given us very positive feedback in our effort to inform our communities: just this month we have numerous activities submitted to our “in you community” section from: Elan des Jeunes, Chateauguay English Community Network (CECN), Chateauguay Valley Literacy Council (CVCL), L’Accoldade Sante (Mental Health support), Craft Fair at CPS, LA Rencontre Chateauguaoise, CRE-Forum Jeunesse.

Santa is on his way
Planning for the December Video conference with Santa is underway, as pre kindergarten, kindergarten and learning centre students, as well our SFIS class will each have a 30 minute block with Santa if they so desire. The schedule is being prepared now and the teachers in our schools have all been invited.

Mary Gardner is hooked up
A newly purchased video conference system is now hooked up at Mary Gardner school. We are only two schools away from having a VCN in all of our schools and centres!

Jamboree and Habitat build in the news
NFSB received some free positive press about the Habitat for Humanity project. We were on the CHOM morning show, CBC Radio, along with articles on the front page of the Gleaner and articles in the Soleil de Valleyfield. An interview on CHAI radio and also in the lifestyle website ( with Nanette Workman.  And did you happen to check out the first two “Our House” videos? Go to and click on the Habitat button in the top right green tab.

Trades in Motion is ready
The Trades in Motion committee has confirmed this year the event will be held in the St. Willibrord park (like last year) on April 8th, 9th, 10th ,2014.

Travailler ensemble
The successful partnership between the CECN (Chateauguay English Community Network) and the New Frontiers School Board continues to grow and help our community as a new service aimed at improving English language skills for city of Chateauguay municipal workers is now in place. English course with CECN –

Financial literacy
FREE WORKSHOPS – entitled – “Smart Women & Money Seminars” have started at C.V.R. The sessions have run for 5 weeks, Nov. 11th, 18th, 25th & Dec. 2nd from 7 to 9PM. For more info, Kim Wilson, CLC Chateauguay Valley, at

Still in the running
Did you check out that St. Willibrord is in the running for the Aviva Community Fund? St. Will is vying to hopefully secure funding for much needed playground equipment. Anyone can go on the site and vote in support of St.Willibrord.

Technology brings teacher and class back-together.
The St. Willibrord Junior Learning Centre students used the VC to connect with their teacher. Angela Caza (JLC) teacher had to leave her teaching position for the year unexpectedly due to being pregnant. With the unexpected leave Ms.Caza did not have the chance to explain to her students what was happening and to notify them that she would be absent for the rest of the school year. With the use of St.Willibrord’s and the board office’s Video Conference Network she was able to connect with her students and tell them how much she missed them and they were able to ask their teacher all of the questions they had and Ms. Caza will stay connected with her students by VC throughout the year.

Wanting to help with an artistic flavour
An artistic instructor from Montreal comes to Chateauguay to see what services she can provide to the community. With the support from the Chateauguay CLC Technician, she will sit on the Chateauguay CLC Partnership Table to share services she can provide to schools during lunch or after school hours. Her expertise is especially in Caribbean dance, African dance, musicals and other creative art based activities that allow students from the ages of 5-18 to express themselves.

The Community Jamboree fundraiser for the Habitat for Humanity (“Our House Project”) has come and gone but the positive fallout from this collaborative project continues to resonate in our community. One such example is the story of Grade 5 and 6 students from Ormstown Elementary (O.E.S.).During the week of the Jamboree students from O.E.S. volunteered to help clean up the arena before the big show. They were brought to the fairgounds by bus and when the bus company heard why they were doing the clean up he promptly offered free transportation for the students.

Good Health After 50
Six info sessions (Oct to Dec.) from the CECN were being held about “Good Health after 50” facilitated by a CLSC nurse in prevention at St. Willibrord. Sessions will focus on improving your health or the prevention of various topics such as arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, etc.on, nutrition, preventing a fall, exercising and pharmaceutical drugs. Videoconferencing the event to other schools may be possible if demand is sufficient.

Gault getting ready
A contingent of Table de Jeunesse representatives from Valleyfield came to the CPS Community Wednesday as Gault Institute is planning to host their own Community Thursday in January if all goes well… more news to come…

A ghastly décor for Gault… Halloween style!
Students from Gault Institute did a great activity about cooperation, the Character Ed pillar for the month of October. They created beautiful Halloween decorations that were displayed throughout the school. Each Cycle 3 student teamed with a student from cycles 1 or 2 and they did an amazing job and demonstrated awesome team work.

Fun Nights
Chateauguay Valley Community Nights opened its’ doors once again at C.V.R. with 79 participants participating in varied activities such as basketball, motors, art hives, badminton, Zumba, volleyball and a “Smart Women & Money” seminar.

Winter Wonderland
Watch for our Valley Winter brochure coming out in December for the January ’14 10-week session offering these activities and much more like Irish Dancing, women’s self-defence classes, beginners and intermediate computer courses and much more.

The CLC getting recognized
For the first time the Huntingdon and Valley CLC’s were invited to attend the annual Howick Health Fair. This day is set aside for seniors and community members at large to find out what health services are available to them and how they can get more information. We were proud to offer our courses and activities, especially with our AMI Quebec partnership offering support to caregivers dealing with loved ones with any forms of mental illness.

Raising funds for the run
The Community/C.V.R. Terry Fox Run grows bigger every year with community donations totalling over $100.00. This event offers members of our communities a place to show their support and at the same time encourage the students.

Opportunities to help for students
With more and more community organizations in need of volunteer support C.V.R. students are being approached through the CLC to become more involved in their communities’ events. Some examples have been volunteers to help CEDEC with a community survey during the Ormstown Fair, being spokespeople for the Chateauguay Valley Historical Society’s War of 1812 Re-enactment and helping load up and unload 62 boxes of books to support the Barrie Memorial’s Annual Bazaar. Our young people are our future and the more they know and are connected to what is available to them, the better we all will be!

Way ago Crystal
Thanks to C.V.R. secretary, Crystal Ouellette, for sharing information about the Metro Green Apple Grant to the CLC, who then was able, spread it out to our valley schools. By doing so, many applications were sent in and several grants of $1000.00 were accepted. Look for more info about these projects and their progress in the future.

CLC Concepts – are community based projects and partnerships between schools and community partners.

If you and your school has some news you’d like to share, contact your local CLC technician (Chateauguay – Anthony Spadaccino, Chateauguay Valley – Kim Wilson or Jayme McClintock or Valleyfield – Claire Mallette) to find out how to include your story in the Wrap Up Report.


Les "centres d'apprentissage de proximité" sont des partenariats qui proposent une série de services et d'activités, souvent en dehors de la journée scolaire, afin de répondre aux besoins des apprenants, de leurs familles et de la communauté au sens large. Leur objectif est de soutenir le développement holistique des citoyens et des communautés. 

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