Our schools, centres and local partners offer a variety of activities and programs for residents of the municipality of Chateauguay (and its surrounding areas) and the Chateauguay Valley for students and non students alike. These activities are designed to support and enhance our communities. A diversity of courses, workshops, classes, and support services make up our CLC activities.
Use our interactive map or menu on the left to explore all of the fun, sporty, creative and exciting programs available right in your backyard.
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300 McLeod Chateauguay Quebec J6J 2H4{}3-default.png{}Family Services – Community Wednesdays|300 McLeod Chateauguay Quebec J6J 2H4{}3-default.png{}Family Services – Crossroads Summer Literacy Camp|24 York Huntingdon Quebec J0S 1H0{}3-default.png{}Family Services – Saturday Community Mornings @ H.A.E.C.C.|
300 McLeod Chateauguay Quebec J6J 2H4{}4-default.png{}Health – Health and wellness talks|1 McBain street Ormstown Quebec J0S 1K0{}3-default.png{}Leisure – Ormstown Fair|Chateauguay Quebec{}1-default.png{}Sports – C.B.A. (Chateauguay Basketball Association)|313 Route 219 Hemmingford Quebec J0L 1H0{}1-default.png{}Sports – 10th Annual New Frontiers Golf tournament|Chateauguay Quebec{}2-default.png{}Education – CECN (Chateauguay English Community Network)|555 Maple Road Chateauguay Quebec J1J 1K4{}4-default.png{}Health – CSSS Jardins-Roussillon|Chateauguay Quebec{}1-default.png{}Social Services – Re-nou-vie|Chateauguay Quebec J6J 2H4{}1-default.png{}Social Services – Parkview Preschool” bubbleautopan=”true” showbike=”false” showtraffic=”false” showpanoramio=”false”]