Services aux étudiants

Think of us as your personal cheerleaders — here to help you on the way to the career you’re dreaming about.

Our “reception, referral, counselling and support” team, known in Quebec as “SARCA” is here to help!

This is a free service available to all Quebec adults (students and non students alike).

Do any of these apply to you?

  • I want to take stock of my current situation.
  • I need help in choosing a career.
  • I would like to change careers.
  • I want to improve my job conditions by taking a training program.
  • I would like to obtain a diploma.
  • I need information on training programs, trades, occupations and careers.
  • I want to find out if I am eligible for student financial aid.
  • I would like to have my academic record evaluated.
  • I want to see if my prior learning and experience can be recognized.
  • I am working but I would like to go back to school.
  • I am an immigrant or Canadian born and I want to learn French.
  • I had difficulties in school but I would like to continue my studies.
  • I would like to find out what services are offered in my community.
  • The Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) is asking me for an attestation so I can get or renew my competency certificates.

Already clear on the path you want to take? Contact the centre you’re interested in today!

In addition to the evaluation and guidance services we provide through our SARCA team, our centres offer trained and caring staff to help you throughout your time with us.

CVCEC – Ormstown
450 829-2396

HAECC – Huntingdon

Nova – Chateauguay
450 691-2540


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