vidéo : Le bardage en vinyle - comment faire (partie 2)

We had such a huge following from our first “How to Install vinyl siding” video, John Hodges from our Carpentry department agreed to produce a couple follow-up segments to give a few more insights and tips about the entire process.

In this segment he’ll delve into:

  • exterior corners of the wall
  • the tools you will need
  • starter strips
  • proper nailing techniques

Be sure to check his final segment (Part 3 of 3).

Précédent - Comment faire des vidéos :
- Comment installer un revêtement en vinyle (département de menuiserie) (PART 1)
- Produire des semences (département d'horticulture)
- Arroser correctement une plante (département horticulture)
- Ajuster les portes d'armoires (département menuiserie)
- Changer un pneu (service de mécanique automobile)

Do you have any suggestion for a future “How to” video? We’d love to hear from you. Don’t be shy and write to to suggest a topic. We have a multitude of “trade programs” maybe you’ll be inspired by one of our programs. Don’t forget to check out our chaîne youtube.

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