Gestion des entreprises de construction

Do the words general contractor ou project manager resonate with you? Are you a natural organizer and leader? This may be the program for you!

Learn how to manage every aspect of a building site. Estimate project costs, manage budgets, prepare proposals, negotiate contracts, plan outlines for work sites, carry out projects, hire and manage on-site workers and ensure the work being done is high quality. Real-world skills for a successful construction project!

Proposé le soir à


Coût (sous réserve de modifications)



Durée du programme

8 mois
This FREE program provides a solid foundation (pun intended) to understand and manage construction projects. Whether you’re running your own small business, or plan on managing large-scale construction projects, you will graduate with a new set of skills, and a Quebec Government Attestation in a Vocational Specialty (AVS)

Conditions préalables

None. Nada. Zip. Just an interest in project planning and the construction trade.

Vous postulez depuis l'étranger ? Visitez notre International pour plus d'informations sur les modalités d'inscription.

Spécificités du programme

Code Énoncé de la compétence  Heures Unités
947-901 Determine their suitability for construction business management and for the training process 15 1
947-911 Communiquer sur le lieu de travail 15 1
947-923 Carry out legal activities 45 3
947-933 Read drawings and specifications 45 3
947-943 Make sure a building complies with Québec’s building code 45 3
947-956 Determine project costs 90 6
947-963 Establish a business development plan 45 3
947-974 Manage the accounts and finances of the company 60 4
947-982 Manage occupational health and safety 30 2
947-994 Manage construction site operations 60 4
  450 30
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