1st week done and loving it!

Our new Health, Assistance and Nursing (HAN) group began August 27th. Two students volunteered to tell you about their 1st week with us.

Natasha Fournier wrote:

Being a shy person, I was nervous about going back to school. The atmosphere, staff and students are all so nice at the Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre (CVCEC). I felt at ease in a matter of minutes. The HAN course is very interesting and through worksheets and team activities we are learning more each day. I LOVE IT! We have already had a math test that we were all nervous about,  but we all helped each other review and now we await the results. It has been a short week but I feel I made the right choice for my future.


Ann Fortin wrote:

At the age of 50, I felt I needed a change in my 25 year career as a caregiver. I did want to remain in the medical world, therefore, the HAN was a perfect match.

When you register for the course an interview is set. This interview helped to put my fears at ease. Another thing that helped was having coffee and donuts as part of the ice breaking activities on the first day. Food and drink always brings people together. The thing I appreciated the most was the visit from the students who will graduate in February.

The centre has great opportunities and when my teacher talked about the possibility to go on a stage in the Dominican Republic, all I could think was “WOW”.

All in all, a pretty great 1st week!


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