April 16, 2015


What better way to showcase your newly acquired skills and competencies in visual presentation than by sketching, scaling, building and mounting your own exhibition booth? Amanda Lemay, teacher at NOVA’s Interior decorating and visual display program had her group of international students create for their final display project their own booths for a make believe...
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As a gift to HAECC, the SVIS (socio-vocational integration services) students voted to use some of the Breakfast Club (another SVIS project) money to buy some of the materials to build a compost bin. This was to honour Earth Day on April 22 and to allow fruit & vegetable scraps from weekly cooking activities and...
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Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tel: 450 829-2396

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