There will be NO shuttle bus service Thursday, February 6 and Friday, February 7. Sorry for the inconvenience!


There will be NO shuttle bus service Thursday, February 6 and Friday, February 7. Sorry for the inconvenience!

March 9, 2017


NOVA a eu la chance de recevoir le programme « Ensemble à l’école » des Alouettes de Montréal. L’objectif principal du programme est d’encourager les jeunes à persévérer dans leurs études tout en abordant divers défis avec lesquels les élèves doivent composer de nos jours, de l’intimidation aux performances académiques en passant par la pression des pairs...
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As we begin the month of March and having witnessed the installation of the “Our House” prefabricated housing units on the job site, the drafting students from the Residential and Commercial drafting program here at CVCEC were very familiar with the house because they drew a version of it in their Multi-Family dwellings course. The...
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Our Centres


Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tel: 450 829-2396

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