When duty calls

Canadian Forces Recruiting Group: Visible Minority/Women – Influencer Event

Joanne O’Hanley and I attended the Influencer Event at the Support Base in Gagetown, New Brunswick (February 24-26th).

The event showcased various aspects of life in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). We participated in various lectures, tours, “hands on” experiences and had one-on-one time to meet and speak with various personnel in the CAF. We arrived at Gagetown not knowing what to expect, yet with an open mind, we came back with knowledge of the opportunities that the Armed Forces have to offer. The event was extremely well organized and we had tours of the Light Armoured Vehicles, Helicopter Squadron, Engineer Support regiment and even participated in the fitness demonstration.

Both myself and Joanne really appreciated the fact that we were able to ask questions and speak with the various soldiers in the numerous careers that they were in. Working in several schools and with our CLC (Community Learning Centre) approach, we now have a good sense of what opportunities are available and will be able to discuss this further with our clientele.

Carol Mayr (counsellor) & Joanne O’Hanley (counsellor)


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