There will be NO shuttle bus service Thursday, February 6 and Friday, February 7. Sorry for the inconvenience!


There will be NO shuttle bus service Thursday, February 6 and Friday, February 7. Sorry for the inconvenience!

I’m a Male in a Female dominated Class/Career

I recently spoke with two male students about their thoughts and feelings about being in a female dominated class and career. (Kim Tannahill, Health, Assistance & Nursing teacher)

“At the age of 38, I wanted a career change. Having held many different employments, in various domains, I came to realize that I was always lacking personal fulfillment. Even if some jobs had good financial privileges, I came to a revelation that money (although important in life) cannot substitute for a profession where I could find deeper meaning, personal gratification and the opportunity to follow my true passion… which has always been the medical field.

As I reflected upon this, and not getting any younger, I asked myself, what about being a male in a predominantly “female” domain? Well by happy chance, I heard that they were offering the LPN (Licensed practical nurse) program (official name of program: Health, Assistance & Nursing) at CVCEC in Ormstown. So I decided to take the great leap of faith, regardless of any fears I might harbour. And to my pleasant surprise, being a male, was not a detriment, but quite the contrary. Having a co-ed class is quite enlightening; it allows both genders to contribute in their own way and thus permits everyone to help each other out in with their own strengths and therefore form a stronger group as a whole where respect and kindness is always a priority. This has always been a fundamental truth, where diversity and teamwork is the vital component to a strong foundation of any winning formula.

I also have discovered, that being a male minority, has an unexpected upside when it comes to employment opportunities, for various reasons. For example, working in certain situations where physical intervention may be required or simply because a male patient may be more comfortable with another male to either confide in, on a psychosocial aspect, or to receive specific medical care. And these are only to name a few examples.

So today, as I look back, I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that I could not have made a better choice in joining a great program, that is only surpassed by the quality and dedication of the instructors and all of the staff. They have helped me to attain my highest potential in the most stimulating environment. A simple thank you seems so unfitting. For all of you at CVCEC, You shall have my everlasting gratitude.”
Steve, Health, Assistance & Nursing student, CVCEC (program 2015-2017)

What is it like being a male in a nursing class?
Well, I imagine it’s a lot like being a girl in a science program, it’s not that we’re not welcome, far from it, in fact, I feel like a special snowflake. Most modules were very easy. I could relate to them; I have a heart, I’m aware of what it does, it does it to me every second. Come to the pregnancy and maternity module, that came at an opportune time, (I was informed I was “baby-crazy”), but I couldn’t for the life of me directly relate to the experience. All things considered, gender has really never negatively affected me socially, my friends think it’s cool and they joke around with me now. Sign up at CVCEC to become an LPN, male or female, we’d love to have you.

Jesse Zidle, Assistance & Nursing student, CVCEC

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