Everyone can Volunteer

Go for it, volunteer!  We can volunteer locally or globally, whichever works for you.  Four teachers from CVCEC chose the “global” version as they traveled to Bangladesh to share their skills with a Nursing College in Dhaka.  Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world, with many people making $1 per day.  This college offers girls from poor families’ education opportunities that will lead to a nursing diploma. This diploma will open the door to earn $1000 per month. This transforms families, as well as giving the graduates many new options. As volunteers we learned about their challenges, their hopes for the future and their dreams.  We also shared with our students at CVCEC so that everyone can learn from our experience.  The people of Bangladesh welcomed us, were kind, curious and caring.

Our advice, step outside your comfort zone and volunteer around the corner or around the world, the benefits are immeasurable.

Debbi Templeton (Health Care Teacher)

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