A winning “TIF”

We have another winner in our Trade It Forward campaign, from our Facebook page, congrats to Ms. Jasmine Zitouni as she received the most facebook “like” votes (during the contest deadline for the table). Ms. Zitouni a technician at Howard S. Billings High School, won a hand crafted hard wood coffee table (courtesy of La Vieille Planche) and she has decided to donate the table to her resource classroom also known as the “Chill Room”.

For the past couple of years Ms. Zitouni has opened up a classroom during lunch time for students who have special needs and for those who just need a place to belong. She has also at times purchased food to give to those who did not have a lunch. Over 20 students now use the Chill Room. Ms. Zitouni also mentioned how much she appreciates the sponsors who have supplied the Chill Room and its students with food donations. With work from the schools’ governing board they were also able to purchase a couch in order to make the room even more comfortable and welcoming for the students. The addition of the coffee table will fit perfectly to their reading area added Ms. Zitouni.


Ms. Zitouni with her students in the Chill Room

Ms. Zitouni & Anthony Spadaccino (CLC Chateauguay technician) after receiving the table

Mr. Eric Therrien owner of La Vieille Planche with donated table in his showroom

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